Asbestos Removal

Asbestos Removal & Encapsulation

Over the years we’ve developed our infrastructure to support all sizes of projects in a wide range of sectors; from small but vital projects to multi-million pound contracts in challenging environments. We are equipped to manage out-of-hours work, emergency response and surges in demand.

Large Scale Projects

As well as being engaged in long-term national frameworks with clients in challenging environments, such as Network Rail, Transport for London, Northern Power Grid and ASDA; at Rhodar we also work for a range of blue chip clients on major one-off projects. These include:

The Millennium Mills project in association with The Silvertown Partnership – a major enabling works project that is part of the London Docklands regeneration (see a video case study of this project):


The unique solution we developed for the safe removal of asbestos containing materials (ACM) from within one of Great Western Railways vast 192m HST maintenance depots in Penzance. Read the award winning story here.


Hanger 209, MOD Lyneham, Rhodar was commissioned to remove sprayed asbestos coating insulation residues and debris from within this huge military structure (4,090m²). Read about the project here.

50317-034.jpg#asset:1472The Walsgrave Hospital PFi project in association with Skanska:


Waterloo Railway Station, a highly bespoke and innovative asbestos removal solution delivered for Network Rail.


Princess Foods FMCG Warehouse project in association with Vinci Plc and Ogden Group – an innovative project in a huge 1960’s factory:


The Woodhead Tunnel project in association with Balfour Beatty and National Grid - a 5km stretch of tunnel through the heart of the Pennines:


Small / Medium Scale Projects

Our medium projects:

From one-off contracts to jobs that are part of a bigger framework, examples of medium scale project sites / client companies include:

  • St George’s Hospital, Tooting - NHS
  • Victoria Gate Retail Development, Leeds – Sir Robert McAlpine
  • Siemens MTC, Bristol – Siemens
  • ASDA, Norwich – MACE




Our smaller projects:

  • Local Councils – e.g. fly tipping
  • Pub retail – e.g. asbestos insulating board (AIB) removal from cellar ceilings
  • Schools – e.g. replacement of window frames and surrounds
  • Local Authority offices – e.g. removal of asbestos-containing floor tiles

Domestic & Insurance

Our Homeworks division specialise in asbestos management for all our domestic and insurance clients. Established to meet the specific needs of this sector, the team work throughout domestic properties providing an informative, advisory and where appropriate asbestos abatement service.

Through our expert team, the package we provide is tailored and applied to that of the domestic field. Advice on domestic asbestos management, single points of contact, emergency attendance and uncompromised nationwide coverage are some of the provisions we guarantee. Communication underpins the successful nature of our housing division and the respect our team receives; we provide peace of mind and confidence to tenants and those who may be unfamiliar or concerned with asbestos matters.

At Homeworks, we have the capacity and innovative resources available to respond to surge events. Offering a full emergency response regardless of scale and location, the team are supported by technologically advanced equipment that is unique to the asbestos industry. Having All-In-One Welfare Hygiene Vehicles and tablet technology to hand allows us to effectively manage high volumes of projects across the UK each year.

Find out more about our Homeworks Division


Asbestos in Soils

Rhodar have undertaken several high profile asbestos land remediation projects in accordance with stringent industry guidance and regulations.

We can provide asbestos management guidance and remediation either as a stand-alone service or as part of a wider scope of remediation services.

Guidance on the management of asbestos in soil and made ground can be found in CAR-SOIL Guidance, which complemented the previous CIRIA C733 ‘a guide to understanding and managing risks’ and the CL:AIRE Joint Industry Working Group Asbestos in Soil and Construction & Demolition (C&D) Materials guidance titled ‘Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012: Interpretation for Managing and Working with Asbestos in Soil and Construction & Demolition materials: Industry Guidance (CAR-SOIL)’.

To find out more about the management of asbestos in soils and our full range of brownfield site remediation services go to Remediation Services

Or contact


​Categories of Asbestos Works ( Licensed / NNLW / NLW )

Notifiable (requiring 14 day HSE notification)

This is high risk work where ACMs have a higher chance of elevated fibre release, are friable or in poor condition. This needs to be undertaken by a HSE licenced asbestos removal contractor and notified to the HSE 14 days before work can begin via their web portal (the e-form is known as an ASB5).

For more details please see:

NNLW (Notifiable Non-Licenced Work)

This work is mainly for less hazardous ACMs where you are knowingly going to break the material to remove it. In this case it still needs to be notified to the HSE, but can be done on the same day via the HSE web portal.

This work doesn’t require a licensed contractor but all contractors must satisfy the following from 30 April 2015:

  • All workers carrying out NNLW projects will need to have had a medical examination (chest and a lung function test)
  • Employers need to keep a register (health record - including the nature and duration of work) for 40 years of NNLW with asbestos for each employee exposed to asbestos

NNLW can also covers some high risk removals work that is conducted over a shorter duration.

For more details please see:

NL (Non-Licenced Work)

This work doesn’t need a licensed contractor and doesn’t require notification to the HSE. However a RAMS (Risk Assessment Method Statement or Plan of Work) still needs to be produced for these works and site operatives still require the correct level of training.

For more details please see:

Head Office

(Registered Office)

Rhodar, Unit C, Astra Park, Parkside Lane , Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 5SZ

Call us on: 0800 834 669

Registered in England

Company Registration number: 06426331
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