All three of our services: asbestos removal, demolition and remediation fall under a wide spectrum of statutory instruments, legislation & guidance under the umbrella of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAWA 1974 - as amended).
This ranges from CAR 2012 for our asbestos works through to Contaminated Land Regulations 2012 as part of EPA and often all under CDM2015 where appropriate.
Several other regulations supported by Guidance Notes and ACoP's (Approved Codes of Practice) are evident across all that we do from confined spaces, working at height, managing health & safety on site…
It’s essential and often mandatory that we can demonstrate competence to Legislation and Guidance by maintaining a comprehensive range of policies and procedures and not least licences, memberships and accreditations in order to carry out our works.
Our asbestos division works within a "Permissioning Regime" which requires a HSE asbestos licence to allow us to operate.
Key licenses and permits include:-
- HSE Licence (3-year) to undertake work with asbestos - no. 841300513
- EA Waste Carriers Licence - no. CB/HN5571AU
- Waste Transfer Station Licence - no. EAWML/65383
- Environment Agency EPR Permit - no. GB3301LS

From a Health & Safety, Quality and Environmental perspective, we hold and work to a range of standards:
- ISO 9001 – Quality Management
- ISO 14001 – Environmental Management
- ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management
- Rhodar, as part of Lexia Solutions Group, is also fully compliant with the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)
For a full list of Rhodar's accreditations and qualifications click here