The Full Mock-Up: Inside an asbestos removal enclosure
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Following Rhodar’s latest and highly acclaimed spotlight sessions at ‘Asbestos: The Truth’, Darren Payne, Director of Client Services, explains the importance of giving an insight into the inner workings of onsite asbestos operations.

Now in its ninth year, ‘Asbestos: The Truth’ is the UK’s largest asbestos conference, delivering a range of seminars and workshops with keynote debate delivered by industry leaders and attended by delegates across all sectors from local authorities, construction, facilities management, property development and building management.
Rhodar was invited by the event organisers and hosts, Lucion Services, to deliver two innovative Spotlight Sessions giving delegates the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the inner workings of our on-site operations (i.e. what they usually don’t get to see).
Rhodar’s objective with its sessions was to add to the knowledge of all attendees, many of which already deal with asbestos abatement issues within their own property portfolios. Delegates left with a greater understanding of how we deliver an industry-leading service.

As part of our session we constructed a full size asbestos removal enclosure within the exhibition hall to the same specifications that we would on site. Delegates were guided on a walk-through tour showing first hand our high-tech workings, access and egress along with a range of technical innovations we have developed and introduced into our operations.
On show was:
- Unique filter technology developed for use in wet and precision dustless blasting environments;
- Airtocheck™ monitors to provide real time air pressure and flow monitoring;
- Rhodar’s industry leading management system ‘apps’, providing real-time systems information;
- Portable battery powered H-type vacuums;
- HD full colour enclosure Wi-Fi-enabled cameras with full recording, motion detectors and 4G capability;
- All-in-one hygiene station pod with respirator zone.

Rhodar undertakes several client-facing ‘show & tell’ mock-up sessions of its onsite operations throughout the year. It gives delegates and clients alike a real insight into the step-by-step procedures we put in place to ensure that projects are delivered to the highest of standards and to the very latest regulatory requirements.
One delegate and senior health & safety professional at the event commented:
“Asbestos The Truth really hit home in October with its range of speakers but more importantly with Rhodar’s Full Asbestos Enclosure Experience...
...tabled as the Red Zone Session, it was staged by Rhodar and led by Chris Cooke, Colin Campbell and members of Rhodar's site team...

...the teamwork and collaborative engagement is clearly second nature to this organisation. With confidence and an excellent, accurate and fitted sequenced scenario, Rhodar staged an enclosure with a full plant engaged and answered all questions, as well as openly sharing their efficient and innovative solutions. Their use of the new M-Class battery-powered, Back-Pack-Vac, produced by Thermac, was of particular interest...
...this live and impressive set up demonstrated why organisations should have the confidence to engage with professionals that have a proven track record. It’s clear that quality performance and commitment are essential when considering the right team for the job, and these are qualities of the upmost importance to this organisation...this was a most rewarding and informative high point to the day.”
For advice & guidance about Rhodar’s services contact us on 0800 834 669 or
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