​Rhodar update: Latest Framework Wins

​Rhodar update: Latest Framework Wins

Posted on in Company News

We’re proud to announce we have secured a series of additional new contracts and framework wins, rounding off an extremely successful Q4 for the business following the recent news of our place on the Crown Commercial Service national framework for demolition, land remediation and asbestos removal.

Outside of the public sector, we have been successfully awarded two UK wide three-year framework contracts with the Co-operative Group, one of the world’s largest consumer co-operatives, and Mitie, the national facilities management provider.

In Scotland, Rhodar has won a place on the Scotland Excel national framework for a further two years, and has also won multi-year framework contracts with North Lanarkshire, East Ayrshire and North Ayrshire councils to deliver domestic and non-domestic asbestos removal services. 

Finally, we have signed a four-year contract with the Science Museum Group, which includes London’s Science Museum, the Science & Media Museum in Bradford and the Railway Museum in York. 

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