Rhodar lends a helping hand
Posted on in Company News
Rhodar’s Domestic division, Homeworks, recently helped presenter Nick Knowles and his team from the BBC TV show ‘DIY SOS’ to transform a well deserving Loughborough family’s home.
Working with other trades, the Homeworks team helped prepare Jenny and Mark Corns’ home for transformation, improving access, safety and increasing storage space for medical supplies to assist them in their care for their twin daughters who sadly both have challenging medical conditions and their older sister.
The family were delighted with the results, with Mum Jenny commenting, “It will just take away some of the pressures of worrying about the girls’ futures and help us to concentrate on day-to-day life now - the way everyone’s come together in Loughborough has been amazing, not just tradesmen but people just bringing cakes for the workers.”