Rhodar launches exclusive Christmas game for charity
Posted on in Company News
As we head into the festive season…we’re looking to spread some seasonal cheer (and a bit of competition) with this fun Christmas game.

Navigate your way through the winter wonderland, helping to find lost presents for Santa and collecting points as you go.

Play for fun or play for charity ...
You could win a fabulous money prize for your favourite charity: play the game, register a score over 1,000 points and you will be entered into a free prize draw to win a donation to a registered charity of your choice.

Rhodar will donate three prizes of £100, £250 and a top prize of £500 to the three lucky winner’s charities in January 2021.
So go on, you know you want to!
Hop to it and PLAY HERE
Good luck !
The 'Hoppy' Christmas game is free to play and is available between 1/12/20 to 30/12/20 and the three prize winners will be announced via Rhodar’s LinkedIn page on 8/01/21. Terms & conditions apply and can be viewed when a score is registered.
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