High profile Beech Hill Towers demolition nears completion
Posted on in Company News

As the high-profile demolition of three 18 storey tower blocks at the Beech Hill estate in Halifax nears completion, our set of aerial photographs demonstrates the transformation of the site and the size and scale of the project.

The demolition of the towers began in May this year after our team completed a large-scale internal strip out of the residential towers.
Taking place over 40 weeks and with over 100 operatives working on the £6m+ site during key phases, a 54-metre super high reach excavator was utilised to demolish the towers.

The finished project will pave the way for the regeneration of the key area of Halifax in Calderdale.

The demolition of Beech Hill towers is a significant part of the development project by the Calderdale Together Investment Partnership, a partnership between Together Housing and Calderdale Council.