​Rhodar Update: COVID-19

Rhodar Update - ​COVID-19

Posted on in Company News

An update from Rhodar’s managing director, Jason Davy

As we know, the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is impacting businesses and communities across the country, and I would like to take this opportunity to update you on the steps Rhodar is taking in response to the outbreak.   

Whilst the health and wellbeing of our employees is paramount, Rhodar will continue its operations implementing a robust plan to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 based on Government and the Chief Medical Officers' advice. We will continue to monitor the evolving situation closely and act appropriately in the coming months.

With regard to our working arrangements, we have ensured we can keep our staff safe while maintaining operational efficiency; where possible, we have implemented flexible working and working from home arrangements and are minimising face-to-face meetings, conducting these through telephone and video conferencing facilities instead.  If you would like a more detailed overview of the steps and changes we are making to our working practices during this time please ask your normal Rhodar contact for a copy of our Business Continuity (COVID-19) document.

We remain committed to providing the same high level of service to our clients that they have come to expect and are adopting and working to all changes requested by our clients to ensure good practice and best outcomes, for example, changes to required site visit protocols.

Rest assured, we will continue to review the situation and keep you updated.

Best wishes

Jason Davy Managing Director of Rhodar

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