2015 Charity Challenge - The 'Wild Warrior Mud Run'

2015 Charity Challenge - The 'Wild Warrior Mud Run'

Posted on in Company News

On 27th September 25 hardy souls from Rhodar and the rest of Lexia Solutions Group took part in this year’s Group Charity Challenge, The 'Wild Warrior Mud Run' in Derbyshire.

This fun and challenging ‘obstacle’ race consisted of a 10km off-road loop with over 60 obstacles ranging from hay-bales & vertical walls to mud slides & fire jumps.

Our chosen charity this year is Bethany’s Smile, an excellent cause that is looking to raise enough funds to build a holiday/respite home for children with chronic, life threatening and terminal illnesses. ( http://www.bethanyssmile.org )

We're delighted to say that the whole team made it around the course safely and raised a staggering £6,955.

Jason Davy, Group CEO then topped this up to £10,000 and presented the donation to the charity's founder, Bethany Hare, during the Group's Annual Conference in Leeds at the end of November.

Thank you to all who took part and sponsored the team and the best of luck to Bethany and her charity.

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